I symposium called ‚‚Current trend in the treatment and rehabilitation of partial hear loss and hearing-loss‚‚ with the multinational audience was held on 10th and 11th of March 2017. In Crown Plaza in Belgrade.
It was accredited with 10 points for the lecturers and 6 points for the audience, and the cause was the 50 year anniversary of the Center for audiological rehabilitation of the ORL Clinic, MFH of the Clinical Centre of Serbia. Around 230 ORL doctors visited from the country and beyond. The lecture attended almost all ORL doctors from CKS, CBC Zvezdara, Dr. Dragiše Mišovića as well as doctors from Smederevo, Šabac, Loznica, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia. Beside them, there were pediatrist experts (Pančevo, Bgd). Lecturers were prominent in their lines of studies, professors: N. Arsović MD, D. Dankuc MD, D. Đerić, B. Mikić, Z. Komazec, S. Babac, J. Ječmenica, Z. Dudvarski, Lj. Čvorović, and a lot of lecturers form the other countries (UK, Hungary, Lithuania, USA, Croatia, Romania, Germany…)
AbelaPharm showed support for the symposium and presented Propomucil, Bulardi and Flobian. All doctors reported positive experiences with Bulardi. Great number of them had good experiences too with PropoMucil sprays, syrups and sachets and have praised the efficacy of these products.